Prices of dental implants
Modern implantology offers some of the most modern and revolutionary methods for dealing with dental problems such as missing teeth, replacing incurable diseased teeth. Among the biggest advantages of dental implants is that in practice, they can replace not just a single extracted tooth, but several, including all.
If you ask an ordinary person what stops him from being treated with dental implants, in the most general case he will answer "I'm scared!" Or "The price is very high!". In fact, implant placement is not the cheapest procedure in dentistry. On the other hand, the restoration of a tooth with an implant costs as much as the restoration with a bridge of three crowns.
In today's article we will focus on a problem that is the obstacle for many patients to give up dental implants - the price.
What are the standard prices of dental implants?
This question cannot be answered unequivocally. Each dentist determines his own prices of dental implants, and in many cases it is a complex price. A complex price means the final amount that the patient will pay and which includes:
• The doctor's fee
• The cost of the implant and the superstructure
• The dental technician's fee for making the crown
On the other hand, for the final prices of dental implants factors such as:
• A tooth removal
• Adding artificial bone
• Procedures to increase the volume of the bone and / or gum
• Placement of a temporary crown
Standards for pricing dental implants
Because the price for dental services is a type of market price that is freely chosen by dental professionals, in practice the market itself regulates prices.
Can lower prices of dental implants be found lower than the minimum?
In fact, it is possible. The question is how appropriate it will be. If you are ever offered a significantly lower than the minimum, you should not be so happy as to doubt. This is rather a signal of extremely low cost of the implant itself, low motivation and low quality of work of the dental team and the dental laboratory, low level of hygiene and disinfection, work without an assistant, lack of documentation, lack of responsibility. That is why this type of prices for dental implants should not attract you, but signal you to miss them. In the end, the result will be reminiscent of the well-known phrase "cheap is expensive".
If we talk about the prices of dental implants outside our country, we should mention the often discussed "budget" dental implants in Turkey. Here is the place to note that it is debatable how budget they actually are. First of all, even if you decide to have the procedure abroad, it will be much more difficult for you to find a reliable source of opinion about the reliability of the particular specialist. Secondly, if you consider the cost of travel and accommodation, in practice, the prices of dental implants in Turkey may exceed the prices of dental implants in our country.
Why are today's prices of dental implants not really high?
Because implantology is worth it! We also have real reasons to believe that implant placement is an investment that is not just worthwhile, but is recovering in the future:
• Implants restore missing teeth without filing adjacent ones
• Implants are much more durable over time than bridges.
• Implants are the only option in the absence of the last tooth in the dentition
• Implants functionally engage the bone in the edentulous area and stop reorption
• Implants are the only treatment for completely edentulous patients who do not want dentures
• The cost of a crown implant is the same as that of a three-crown bridge.
For more information about the price of treatment with dental implants, contact the team of Dental Clinic Alexander Valev for a free consultation!
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