
For our team, the comfort of patients during treatment is important, so anesthesia is not paid for us.

Primary dental examination40 lv.
X-ray5 lv.
Tartar removal and polishing70 lv.
Pflishing with Air Flow30 lv.
Teeth Whitening 
Internal whitening of a single tooth100 lv.
Bleaching with individual bars280 lv.
Bruxism bar150 lv.
Direct restoration of vital teeth 
Placing of rubberdam20 lv.
One surface70 lv.
Two surfaces90 lv.
Three surfaces130 lv.
Четири повърхности200 lv.
Direct restoration of devitalized teeth 
Placing of rubberdam20 lv.
One surface80 lv.
Two surfaces100 lv.
Three surfaces220 lv.
Direct resoration of the front tooth250 lv.
Direct restoration of the abrasive tooth220 lv.
Placing of fiber pin40 lv.
Splinting of the front teeth with fibrous fibers300 lv.
Direct photopolymer bridge500 lv.
Indirect restoration of vital and devitalized teeth 
Photopolymer inlay, overlay250 lv.
Porcelain inlay, overlay500 lv.
Root canal treatment 
Placing of rubberdam20 lv.
Frontal teeth100 lv.
Premolars140 lv.
Molars200 lv.
Retreatment of molars280 lv.
Biological treatment20 lv.
Resin denture400 lv.
Soft plastic prosthesis500 lv.
Model cast prosthesis1000 lv.


Orthopedic dentistry
Placing rubberdam20 lv.
Composite build up for crown90 lv.
Temporary crown30 lv.
Metaloceramic crown-cromecobalt300 lv.
Porceline margin20 lv.
Metaloceramic crown-white gold600 lv.
Porceline crown500 lv.
Captek crown( composite gold )600 lv.
Zirconium crown - фул контур500 lv.
Zirconium crown with ceramic coating600 lv.
Porcelain veneer600 lv.
Implant    Neo Biotech900 lv.
Implant   Alpha Bio1000 lv.
Implant    Bio Horizons - without Laser - Lok1100 lv.
Implant  Bio Horizons with Laser - Lok1200 lv.
Implant   Nobel1600 lv.
Crown on implant 
Temporary crown150 lv.
Metaloceramic400 lv.
Zirconia500 lv.
One root tooth60 lv.
Multiple root tooth80 lv.
Highly destroyed tooth100  - 160 lv.
Wisdom tooth100 - 200 lv.
Unseeded wisdom tooth250 lv.
Incision50 lv.
Closed curettage of one tooth60 lv.
Closed curettage of one quadrant100 lv.
Open tooth curettage120 lv.
Electrosurgery of one tooth20 lv.
Treatment of post-extraction pain20 lv.
Suturing after extraction50 lv.
Stoping bleeding after extraction80 lv.
Complete treatment with implants - prices for one jaw.
Four implants with plastic bridge (fixed to the implants), without temporary bridge. Three months after the implants are placed, the construction of the bridge begins (in about two weeks).      4400 lv.
Four implants with metal-ceramic bridge, without temporary bridge. Three months after the implants are placed, the construction of the bridge begins (in about two weeks).      6600 lv.
Four implants with metal-ceramic bridge. Temporary bridge within 24 hours. Three months after the implants are placed, the construction of the permanent bridge begins (in about two weeks).      8000 lv.
Four implants with zirconium bridge. Temporary bridge within 24 hours. Three months after the implants are placed, the construction of the permanent bridge begins (in about two weeks).      9200 lv.
Prices do not include tooth extraction

For our team, the comfort of patients during treatment is important, so anesthesia is not paid for us.

Choose a package for your needs


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