Everything we need to know about root canal treatment

Кореново лечение

Everything we need to know about root canal treatment


Everything we need to know about root canal treatment

Root canal treatment is a common therapy in dentistry. This is the reason why her methods and techniques separate a separate section in dentistry, namely endodontics. By endodontics or root canal treatment, we usually understand science or practical approaches in preserving, strengthening and improving the dental interior.

Root canal treatment - general statement

In practice, root canal treatment includes therapeutic methods to deal with the inflammatory process. It is an infection of the internal dental tissues. Usually, these are either the vascular bundle - known in theory and practice as dental pulp - or the periodontal tissues.
The purpose of root canal treatment is to preserve the severely damaged tooth, ie to avoid extraction, as well as to completely stop the inflammatory process, which without timely measures can spread to neighboring teeth and other areas of the oral cavity.
As will become clear later in the material, a specific feature of root canal treatment is its complexity in terms of requiring perfect precision. That is why the choice for your personal dentist, especially in such a situation, is essential. The high degree of professionalism and perfect manuality during the procedure guarantee successful coping with the problem both at the root and against the inflammatory process.

How to get root canal treatment?

The processes and hypotheses leading to the need for root canal treatment are by no means one or two. In fact, there are many cases in which the dentist will decide that you need just such therapy. We will try to summarize them in general for you, to imagine what type of treatment it is and especially to see clearly its purpose. In case of excessively damaged teeth, it is better to proceed to extraction and implant placement.

So, in these cases, root canal treatment is required:

• Deep caries, including lack of adequate or any treatment for it for a long period of time. As a result of such inaction, the pulp becomes inflamed. It should be clear that it becomes highly inflamed due to the progressively increasing access of microbes, enzymes and toxins to it, ie due to the increase in caries.
• With periodontitis. Unlike the above case, this is a total destruction of the pulp. It is reached in the same way, as the time when no measures are taken is relatively longer. The passage of the infection from the canals of the tooth into the bone is called periodontitis - inflammation around the tip of the root. In practice, as the process progresses, a large amount of pus collects in the bone, and in more severe cases it even leaks into the oral cavity, resulting in bad breath and taste in the mouth.
• Root canal treatment may be necessary even in cases of a dead tooth. The need for therapy is established on an X-ray, or because even though he is dead, pain begins to be felt in the area of ​​this tooth, especially when touched.
• Severe trauma can also lead to a tooth fracture affecting the nerve. In these cases, root canal treatment is usually started. But in many cases, the need for this treatment occurs some time after the injury.
• When filing a tooth for a crown or bridge, the nerve is often affected. Hence the process of necrotization of the dental pulp, respectively to the need for root canal treatment. The good news is that it can be completely successful and the tooth can still "survive".

How does root canal treatment work?

Although it sounds complicated and scary, we must reassure you that root canal treatment should not immediately cause you to panic. However, we will fully agree - and we have already hinted at this several times - that this is a complex treatment. However, it is complicated for dentists themselves. There is no pain for the patient, as the root canal treatment must be performed under local anesthesia.

The complexity of the therapy comes from the mandatory need for the root canal to be cleaned and filled perfectly, precisely, without the presence of moisture during the filling. This is possible not only with professional skills and attention, but also with the use of special insulating material. It's a rubber dam. It is placed to protect the ducts from the penetration of saliva, which as we know is full of bacteria. On the other hand, the rubber dam protects the gum from the antiseptic used for rinsing. Another important element in precision root canal treatment is the use of an electronic apexlocator apparatus. Its function is to "measure" the length to which the root canal should be processed and filled.An X-ray must be taken after the procedure. It is a benchmark for the quality of filling the channels.

At  Dental Clinic Aleksandar Valev  root swings are performed using anesthesia, rubber dam, apex locator and X-ray. Rely on our team for a professional approach and individual attitude. Make an appointment for a consultation today!