Is it possible to get a new tooth without inserting an implant?

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Is it possible to get a new tooth without inserting an implant?

This is always possible. The decision on the type of treatment is made after weighing the advantages and disadvantages of all possible options.

Bridges. A very good option for a large number of cases. Bridges are preferred because of their lower cost, shorter treatment time, and lack of surgery.

A successful option is for teeth that have already been cut or killed adjacent to the defect, which must be crowned anyway.

Bridges are selected for contraindications for implant placement or bone deficiency sections requiring complex and time-consuming recovery procedures.

The main disadvantage of bridges is the need to cut out the adjacent teeth - in the presence of one or more living teeth the biological victim is very large and unjustified, about 60% of the volume of the dental crown is cut off, the tooth enamel is completely removed (the most healthy and valuable part of the tooth).

Another drawback is the bonding of the teeth, which leads to difficult cleaning of tooth decay and disturbed aesthetics.

The lower cost of bridges is conditional. A zirconium bridge or a metal-ceramic bridge with a three-tooth gold alloy costs as much as an implant and a crown.

It is not appropriate to use bridges with two or more of the end chewing teeth missing.

Fiber bridges. Suitable for front teeth and molars. They require minimal or no sawing. Good aesthetics, low price.

Disadvantages - retain more plaque than ceramic bridges, requires polishing every 6 to 12 months. The doctor who makes them must have special skills and skill.


Maryland Bridges. Made of zirconium and porcelain or ceramic. They are suitable for front teeth. Adhesive to adjacent ones without sawing.

Disadvantages - requirement for space on the posterior surfaces with teeth clenched. Danger of sticking.

Prostheses. Made of plastic. Cheap.

Disadvantages - uncomfortable, movable during chewing press the gum under them, the need for removal and cleaning after each meal.In more missing teeth, dentures have a larger volume and hold on to the available teeth with hooks.
