Specifics of treatment with fibrobridges


Specifics of treatment with fibrobridges

Specifics of treatment with fibrobridges



In modern dentistry, it is common practice to place a dental implant to be the most recommended, reliable and aesthetically pleasing method for restoring a missing tooth. However, implantology requires certain conditions, which serve as a prerequisite for it to be possible to place the titanium screw (implant). For example, at least a minimum amount of jawbone must be preserved. However, this condition is by no means the only reason why a dental implant is contraindicated for a patient. Although in rare cases, implantation becomes simply impossible.
In such cases, switch to alternative treatment. Usually, the dentist recommends placing a bridge. Its role is exactly the same as implants - to overcome the lack of a tooth or the inability to save (cure) one. The very name of this procedure suggests its characteristic specificity, namely that in order to be placed, the bridge needs two bearing teeth on which to lie - just like the bridge over a river. To place a traditional bridge, these two adjacent to the missing tooth are usually sawn, that is, a significant amount of tooth tissue is cut from them. The aim is to form two stumps on them to support the bridge. Moreover, in the vast majority of cases, this does not end the damage to the two bearing teeth for the purpose of placing a bridge. Sometimes, however, dentists are even forced to kill them, that is, to remove their nerves. In practice, due to one missing tooth, its two adjacent ones are destroyed. Fortunately, innovations in modern dentistry have a new solution and procedure that eliminates the need for such an invasion on virtually completely healthy teeth. This innovation is called fibrostomy treatment.
How is a fibrous bridge different from a standard bridge?
The fibrous bridge is often found in practice and theory with the name composite bridge. What distinguishes it from the standard bridge is mainly the fact that it does not require sharpening of the adjacent two teeth. The fact is that in the case of the fibromodium, the adjacent teeth are also used as a base on which to attach the bridge. But the invasive intervention on them is really minimal. In practice, the dentist makes two very light incisions in which the so-called fiber is placed. The fibrous fiber, in turn, adheres adhesively to the tooth structures to hold the bridge. Adhesive bonding has its own advantage, namely that it is considered one of the most reliable and safe in dental practice. To achieve this strength - often compared to steel - the fiber passes through hardening with a photopolymer lamp, which in turn is completely gentle on the oral cavity and a completely painless procedure. From here we come to the advantage of photopolymer, which is known to retain its properties over the years and the ability to preserve, and over time to erase just like tooth enamel.
Advantages of fiber bridges
Here are some undeniable advantages of fiber bridges that you should keep in mind when making your personal choice of bridge type:
• Minimal to zero damage to the adjacent two teeth, which are often completely healthy, but suffer from a violation of their structure when placing a standard bridge.
• As complicated as it may sound, treatment with fibroids is, in fact, a single procedure. Exactly one visit is required to build the new bridge. In particular, the procedure lasts no more than 2 hours.
• In aesthetic terms, the fibrous bridge is also preferable to the standard one. Thanks to the use of photopolymer, maximum closeness can be achieved between the shade of the natural color of the teeth and that of the newly applied composition.
• As incredible as it sounds, the new type of bridge - the one with fiber - is actually more profitable from a financial point of view. In fact, you will pay about 40% less for it than for a traditional metal-ceramic bridge and over 70% less than for a zirconium bridge.
• And as we mentioned the metal, its lack in fiber bridges is in itself an advantage. The presence of metal often leads to a reaction from the surrounding tissues or even purely aesthetic defects in the form of receding and darkening of the gums.
• Fiber bridges can subsequently be removed more easily than standard ones if the situation changes over time, leaving the abutment teeth healthy and intact.
• If the highest quality materials are used, such as Sticktech fibers, this type of bridge would last as long as the standard ones.
In case you need additional consultation in connection with modern fiber bridges or you are ready to undergo this procedure, do not hesitate to trust the professional team at the Dental Clinic Alexander Valev.